trufocus corporation

MicroFocus X-ray technology employs a unique gridded gun and cathode design. It was developed to fulfill the need for high resolution imaging for Industrial, Medical, Aerospace, and Analytical applications. The small Focal Spot Size produces exceptional image quality and sharpness. This advanced technology creates evenly distributed photon energy resulting in high efficiency photon energy generation that produces exceptional long tube life.
TruFocus Ordered P/N Maximum Target Voltage (kV) Maximum Target Current (mA) Maxim μm TUBE Power (W) Focal Spot Size (μm) Beam Angle Operation X-ray Source Data Sheet Sub-System Data Sheets
TFX-8010-SW 10 0.3 mA for 40kV
1 mA for 5 kV
8 <= 8 40° Continuous
TFX-8100-EWC 100 1 8 <= 8 61.5° Continuous
TFX-8100-SWS 100 1 8 <= 8 53.9° Continuous
TFX-8100-EWF 100 1 8 <= 8 57° +- 0.5° Continuous

Contact us if you do not see what you need: 831-761-9981

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